How to waterproof from the foundation to the roof with super laykold

How to waterproof a shower

super laykold® is a water-based bitumen system for waterproofing porous and non-porous surfaces from foundation to roof.  ​Applications are easy for DIY or Contractor, 7-year product quality guarantee, an all-in-one versatile system and strong brand equity. Self-priming on concrete, metal-etch primer on metal surfaces. Reinforce with membrane if required.  Protect with silvakote® eco if exposed to UV.  ​Suitable for tanking, flat roofing, sealing joints, laps and roofing screws and water retaining.  Non-toxic.

Get Started

What you'll need

  • Equipment to prepare the surface
  • Container to mix prime coat
  • Paint brushes to apply the product
  • Roller to embed the membrane
  • Scissors to cut the membrane
  • Gloves and old clothes
  • super laykold® - 1 ℓ, 5 ℓ and 20 ℓ containers
  • abe membrane – 200 or 250 mm wide
  • bituprime or 4-metal primer – 1 ℓ, 5 ℓ, 25 ℓ containers
  • silvakote® - 5 ℓ, 20 ℓ / silvakote® eco 5 ℓ, 25 ℓ
  • abe® super brush cleaner - 1 ℓ, 5 ℓ and 25 ℓ containers


  • Versatile system to suit any waterproofing application
  • super laykold® is water-based, so dries fairly quickly. The wet material looks dark brown but dries black
  • When used for a pond, allow to dry for a minimum of 14 days. Flush with clean water before filling completely. Let the water and product stand for a day or two before adding fish

Here's How: 5 Steps

Step 1

Surface Preparation

  • All surfaces are to be clean, dry, sound, and free of all laitance, grease, oil, fungal growth, or loose and flaking particles.
  • This could be achieved by wire brushing or high-pressure washing having a rotating nozzle and operating pressure of approximately 170 bar, finally rinsing with clean water
  • New galvanised iron: The surface has to be thoroughly cleaned using sugar soap or any other grease-cutting detergent to remove oils followed by thorough rinsing or high-pressure washing using clean water to reveal a clean, sound, water-break-free surface
  • Old galvanised iron: Remove all loose rust, dirt, and salts of zinc corrosion and scale by means of wire brushing, sanding, chipping, or mechanical scouring; down to bright metal followed by thorough rinsing or high-pressure washing using clean water to reveal a clean, sound, water break free surface

Step 2


  • Mix one part super laykold® with one part clean water and prime the total area to be covered. As a guide 0.25 ℓ of the diluted primer will cover 1 m². Allow to dry
  • Metal surfaces only: New galvanised iron - prime with bituprime® or 4 metal primer and allow to dry. Old galvanised iron - prime with 4 metal primer and allow to dry

Step 3


Stir well before use


  • 2.1 ℓ /m² full system
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Step 4


First coat (all surfaces after priming):

  • Brush or roll on a thick coat (0.75 ℓ/m2) and embed the abe® membrane well into the wet coating. On flat surfaces, it is recommended to use a fluted aluminium roller for this purpose
  • Membrane overlaps should be a minimum of 100 mm on end laps and 75 mm on side laps

Second coat:

  • When the first coat has dried sufficiently to take working traffic (2 – 3 hours), apply a second coat of super laykold® (0.75 ℓ/m²) to ensure the membrane is completely saturated, and allow to dry

Third coat:

  • Apply a final coat of super laykold® (0.6 ℓ/m²) to give a smooth finish

Note: If super laykold® is used in a koi pond or dam, allow to dry for 14 days. Flush with clean water before filling.


Step 5

UV Protection

Allow the system to dry for 7 - 10 days and then overcoat exposed areas with silvakote®


  • Tools, brushes and mixing equipment should be cleaned immediately after use and before the material has set with abe® super brush cleaner
  • Wash with soap and water

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