Plaster Bonding
Additives are designed specifically to enhance the bond of cement screeds or renderings and gypsum plasters or mortars. Bonding agents can also be used as a primer coat.
a.b.e.®.bond plastergrip adhesive, mortar and screed enhancer
N/A, mix into plaster mix
black, other
admixture for plaster mortar
a.b.e.®.latex mortar and screed improver and adhesive
N/A, mix into mortar mix
milky white,not visible inthe mortar
admixture for floor screeds.
a.b.e.®.bond plaster enhancer for plaster/mortar, floor screeds
N/A, mix into mortar mix
milky white,not visible in the mortar
genenral purpose admixture for plaster/mortar,floors screeds